Name Ninja, a Toronto-based domain name acquisition company, is celebrating success in its fourth year of operations with a global client base, as evidenced by the completion of its 200th domain name brokering deal.
A growing Vancouver media business is linking up with big telecom provider Bell Mobility to offer Canadians a range of global news right on their mobile devices, including content from Toronto newspapers.
Acumed Medical Ltd., a company with extensive operations in the Toronto community, is looking for full approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for new a device to treat pain.
A protectionist move by officials in Ontario seeks to deal with high housing demand and a potential real estate bubble, but analyst Priti Agarwal believes the controversial step is only a band-aid.
Signals from United States President Donald Trump's administration on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) seem to be having some impact on stock prices around the continent.