University of Toronto recently issued the following announcement.
(CANCELLED) Dr. Peter Jarrett on “OECD Economic Survey - Canada 2018”
Home > Professional Development > Events > Upcoming Public Events > Live at Rotman: “OECD Economic Survey - Canada 2018” - Dr. Peter Jarrett
7:15-7:59am check-in and coffee; 8:00am sharp to 9:00am presentation and Q&A
Event Details
Speaker Series
Date: Friday June 08, 2018 | 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM
Speaker(s): Dr. Peter Jarrett, Head of Division, OECD
Topic:“OECD Economic Survey - Canada 2018”
Venue: Desautels Hall (Second floor, South Building) | map
Rotman School of Management, U of Toronto,
105 St George Street
Location: Toronto
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SYNOPSIS: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) periodically surveys the Canadian economy. Each edition surveys the major challenges faced by the country, evaluates the short-term outlook, and makes specific policy recommendations. The “OECD Economic Survey – Canada 2018” will be released in early June. At our public event Dr. Peter Jarrett, the OECD’s Head of Division responsible for this survey, will give a presentation based on the survey. In his talk Dr. Jarrett will examine recent economic developments, policies and prospects and take audience questions.
QUESTIONS:, Megan Murphy (416) 978-6122
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